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Covent Garden, in the heart of the most chic London, was born in the 17th century, being a cultivation area, which belonged to the monks of Westminter Abbey.

Throughout the centuries it was modified, passing through a public square and a flower and vegetable market. Currently, it is full of shops selling handicrafts, cafes, and even street artists, who develop part of their work there.

Covent Garden is a must, either in the daytime to visit the Apple Market or the Hotel Chocolat, as at night. It is at this time when it dresses in bohemian, relaxes the atmosphere and opens the Royal Opera House to enjoy an unforgettable evening.

But if Covent Graden is one of the most interesting lifestyle centers, it is also cinema. We cannot forget the sweet Eliza Doolittle, who went from being a simple florist to become the most elegant of ladies in the unforgettable My Fair Lady.

To get to Covent Garden you can take the Yellow Original Tour, which will leave you nearby.

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