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The West End is London in its purest form. Oxford Street, Covent Garden or Piccadilly Circus. The West End has everything you need to get impregnated of London’s culture: theatres, shops, restaurants…, this is why there is no London without visiting the West End.

Theatres are the main characters in this area known as Theatreland. In the West End there are theatres such as the Lyceum Theatre or Her Majesty Theatre, where are performed works such as Les Misérables or The Phantom of the Opera.

For a lot of people London is one of the most important shopping capital cities in the world. In the West End we can find some of the most famous streets to go shopping; for example, Oxford Street and Regent Street. Both have a large range of trendy and well-known shops on offer. A fashion lovers’ paradise!

Carnaby Street or Berwich Street are streets for leisure in the West End. During the day-time, shops and restaurants; at night, bars and pubs. Choose the moment you prefer; fun is guaranteed.

If you are looking for a relaxing plan, we advise you to visit the National Gallery, the main art museum in London. Apart from the permanent collections, you will also be able to visit temporary exhibitions like ‘Monet & Architecture’, available until the 29th July.

Hyde Park Corner is a place to stop and take a breath. This square, located at the south-west of the green lung of the city, is an area that invites you to rest and disconnect from the city.

Related route: West End Loop

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